Christmas Book Advent Day 1

Today was the first day of our Christmas Book Advent and I was so excited to give my kids the stack of wrapped books that they are going to open each day until Christmas. Looking at the big stack of books definitely increased the anticipation of Christmas since this gave my son a concrete visual of how many days are left until Christmas.

Rather than numbering the books, I am letting my son choose any wrapped book that he would like to read. However, I set a few books to the side that we can read on specific planned days since the activities will take a bit longer.

We kicked off our Christmas Book Advent with the book S is for Santa: A Christmas Alphabet! We had so much fun reading together as a family while we looked at the gorgeous illustrations and stopped for a few giggles along the way.

S is for Santa Activity

Close Up

We ended today’s advent with a coloring activity. I pulled the S is for Santa page out of my Christmas Alphabet Worksheet Pack and we colored the page and traced the letters at the bottom. Now my son wants to do a page for each letter of the alphabet. That’s a win-win in my book!

A Fun Freebie For You!

Click here to download my FREE S is for Santa Worksheet to use with your own children or students!

Make sure to check back tomorrow for another fun activity to do with your kids as you read through the month of December! You can also click here to check out my full list of books for our Christmas Book Advent.


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