the primary brain

Christmas Book Advent Day 9

Christmas Book Advent Day 9

It’s Day 9 of our Christmas Book Advent and today my son opened My First Treasury of Snowy Tales. I made sure that he opened this book in the morning, because it is a long book filled with several different short stories. It was so much fun reading all of these short stories all throughout the day.

Snow Ball Fight

Growing up, we used to have paper snowball fights in our living room every winter. My dad would set up a barricade using chairs, couch cushions, and blankets. Then, we would divide into two teams on each side of the barricade. My dad would give us a stack of scratch copy paper. We would crinkle each piece of paper into a snowball and throw it over the wall. My dad would set a timer, and the goal was to get all of the snowballs onto the other side. Whichever team had the least snowballs on their side when the timer went off won the game! It was so much fun!

A few years ago, I decided to bring this memory into my classroom on a rainy day. Since we had to stay in the classroom all day, we had a paper snowball fight to get our energy out. We had the best time! Whether you are home with your own children or reading through the month of December with your classroom, break out a stack of paper and throw a snowball fight your kids will never forget!


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