Memorizing spelling words is a daunting task for many of my firsties. I love to start out the week with 30 minutes of spelling word work centers. This week, my students were able to choose between six center rotations. Depending on the complexity of the center, some students may stay in the same center for the entire 30 minutes, while other stud... Read more 09 Oct 2017 - 3 minute read
Every time the season changes I rush out to Target to grab a few packs of mini erasers. I just can’t get enough! Who is with me?!?!? This year I grabbed the cutest black cats, pumpkins, skeletons, and spiders. I love these erasers because they give me a way to incorporate some seasonal Halloween fun into literacy activities. We are in full sw... Read more 08 Oct 2017 - 1 minute read
By LAURIN BRAINARD Updated Oct. 17, 2023 This year I decided to go with a Superhero theme in my classroom. This is the first time since my first year teaching that I have done a full theme in my room. As fun as it is, I had forgotten just how many hours are involved in decorating my room with a full blown theme! I am wanting to redo every littl... Read more 07 Oct 2017 - 2 minute read
Welcome to my blog! I am so happy you are here! My name is Laurin and I am a first grade teacher in Southern California. I have been teaching first grade for the past five years and I absolutely love it!! Every year I have students who range in academic abilities from Kindergarten to 2nd grade. I started creating my own teaching resources becaus... Read more 06 Oct 2017 - 1 minute read