By LAURIN BRAINARD Updated Oct. 17, 2023 Displaying data is a requirement at my school site. Since I have a superhero theme in my classroom this year, I created a cityscape where students fly up buildings as they meet their goals. This is all the rage among my students this year because they have their own superhero that will soar as they meet ... Read more 28 Oct 2017 - 1 minute read
Do you have a problem with your classroom supplies going missing? When I sit down to work with students, my biggest frustration is not feeling organized and ready to start my small group instruction. I have a caddy full of things I need to work with students, but my supplies keep vanishing! I am so excited to say that I have finally put an end t... Read more 23 Oct 2017 - 1 minute read
Fall is here! Excitement is growing as pumpkin spice, costumes, and candies fill the aisles EVERYWHERE! And we can’t forget the Target mini erasers! I have already indulged in my fair share… #teacherbudgetproblems Halloween is always a favorite time of year for my students. Costumes, candy, parties, trick or treating… I mean what’s not to love?... Read more 22 Oct 2017 - 2 minute read
Today is the final day of my BLOG LAUNCH!! My heart is overwhelmed with joy by all of the support I have received. If you are just stopping by, be sure to check out all seven blog launch posts for some really fun freebies. When I think of the game of Memory, so many fun childhood memories come flooding in. I grew up playing this game with my Mo... Read more 20 Oct 2017 - 1 minute read
It is day six of my blog launch giveaway series and today I want to share a free classroom management strategy with you. Sometimes I have nightmares at night about all the wasted time my students spend when they can’t find materials. You know the one… The student who sits at his desk doing absolutely nothing because they can’t find a pencil. To ... Read more 19 Oct 2017 - less than 1 minute read