This year, differentiating math instruction has been so important for my first graders. I have math levels ranging from beginning kindergarten through second grade. We have been working really hard to learn two digit addition and subtraction. One of my student’s favorite ways to practice is through Roll and Solve Math Fact equation games. For th... Read more 29 May 2018 - 2 minute read
Teaching kindness in the classroom is so important. If we can teach our students to be kind to one another, then we have been successful as teachers. Each month of the school year I like to select a few students who I have caught being kind during the month to receive a kindness certificate. These certificates are a great way to encourage studen... Read more 25 May 2018 - less than 1 minute read
The school year is filled with so many fun memories for you and your students to celebrate! I love putting together an End of the School Year Memory Book for students to add all their fun memories to. It also makes a really great keepsake for students to keep for years to come. Before starting this activity, make sure to have a set of markers o... Read more 23 May 2018 - 1 minute read
Learning to read blends and digraph spelling patterns in first grade is very tricky for some of my littles. They understand the individual sounds each letter makes, but they struggle to put them together to create new sounds. I created a Cut and Paste Blends and Digraphs Activity to extend their learning from our daily curriculum lessons that fo... Read more 18 May 2018 - 1 minute read
One of my favorite projects to do with my students is to create student portfolios to store all of their special work from first grade. If you are anything like me, then you probably have a giant stack of student work that you have saved throughout the school year… Then you get close to Open House and the question becomes what do I do with all t... Read more 15 May 2018 - 1 minute read