By LAURIN BRAINARD Updated Dec. 15, 2023 Spring is in the air, which means it is the perfect time to share our Toddler School Butterfly Unit with you all! We loved this unit because we were able to relate the butterfly activities to the live butterflies that we saw outside in our backyard and at the park! Lesson Components Each of the 5 lesson... Read more 04 Mar 2020 - 5 minute read
February is here and my kids are so excited for Valentine’s Day! I love to incorporate activities in my classroom that channel this energy into learning activities. My favorite way to spend a class party or February afternoon is by setting up our Valentine’s Day STEM stations. They are low prep and contain a variety of challenges so that all of ... Read more 14 Feb 2020 - 5 minute read
Salt dough is quickly becoming a craft supply staple for us and this salt dough handprint craft is a new favorite! I wanted a keepsake craft for grandparents that I could make with my own kids. It is perfect for a preschool Valentine or Mother’s Day craft or in a primary classroom especially loved that the salt dough is edible (although I wouldn... Read more 06 Feb 2020 - 2 minute read
If your toddlers are anything like mine, then you can probably relate to the excitement that comes out when Easter bunnies, jelly beans, and chocolate eggs start to line the shelves at the grocery store. Every time we would walk down the aisle my son would ask to bring some jelly beans home. So, I put together this fun Jelly Bean Themed Toddler ... Read more 05 Feb 2020 - 6 minute read
When I think of Kindergarten students, a few select words come to mind - curious, shapeable, and little. These sweet little ones are sponges who want to soak up all the learning that they can! This is why I think it is so important to teach young children how to memorize Bible verses. By teaching kindergarteners to hide Bible verses in their lit... Read more 01 Feb 2020 - 3 minute read