the primary brain

Spring STEM Activities for Kids

By LAURIN BRAINARD Updated Mar. 13, 2024

Easter was yesterday and if your family is anything like ours, then you may find yourself with quite the problem on your hands today… More candy chicks than you know what to do with!

Every year I see the debates on social media about whether or not people like the taste of candy chicks. Whether you are team delicious or team no thank you (that’s me!), I have two perfect activities from my Spring STEM Challenges to help you use up these bright colored treats in a really fun way!

Interested in downloading these Spring STEM Challenges that you can print and use right away? Click on the image or button below to check them out in my TpT shop!

Spring STEM Cover Image


1. Build a Spring Chick Raft


In this STEM challenge, your students will use aluminum foil to construct a raft that can carry their spring chick from one side of a basin of water to the other. You can also add a variety of other materials to decorate their rafts such as popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, masking tape, and any other building materials you have on hand.

To begin this challenge, I like to pair students up in small groups and give them time to brainstorm the best way to construct their rafts. I find it helpful to show them the materials they will have access to before turning them loose to create in their groups. I created this STEM journal for students to use to record their ideas as they work through each of my Spring STEM Challenges.


Once your students have finished brainstorming, it is time to let the STEM building begin! Once your students are confident that their rafts will carry their spring chicks across the water, it is time to test it out! Using a large basin filled with water, give the raft a push from one side to the other to make sure it floats. If any water begins to fill the raft or it tips, then give your students an opportunity to modify their rafts before they place their spring chick inside for the final test.

2. Build a Spring Chick House


Any time we build gingerbread houses at Christmastime, student engagement goes through the roof! So, I decided to take this same idea and build spring chick houses in the spring season! All you need for this challenge is candy chicks, graham crackers, icing, and popsicle sticks to spread the icing.

Just like my other STEM challenges, we begin by putting on our engineering hats and brainstorming how to build the house. Then, I have my students draw their plan in their journals. After the final touches are put on their sketches, they receive graham crackers and icing and the creativity begins!

It is so much fun to see all the different ways that students choose to construct their spring chick houses.

Student Reflections


After any STEM challenge I have my students complete, I like to have them reflect on what went well, what didn’t go as planned, and any modifications they would make should they create the challenge again. I also love to have students write about their challenges and share their opinions! All of these writing pages can be found in my Spring STEM Challenges in my shop.

I would love to see your student’s STEM challenges if you decide to make these with your class or your own kids at home. Just tag me @theprimarybrain on Instagram or Facebook so I can see all the fun you are having!


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